Saturday, May 4, 2013

On The Verge Response

The entire time reading this play, I was trying to figure out what the poster for it would look like. Designs are something I really enjoy (though, I must admit, I'm not very good at).

The tag line for this play was the easiest part for me. Throughout the entire play, the women are figuring out things from the future and hearing of things that they will enjoy later in the play and want to stay around. For the tag line, I chose a line that Alex says in scene five. "Everyone is a native of somewhere." The reason I'm choosing this line is because, despite each of the women talking about the time that they came from, each one finds home in the future, whether it be the 1950s for Fanny and Alex, or later on for Mary. It also applies to each of the characters they meet along the way. Everyone comes from somewhere.

As for the posters, I'm looking at them in terms of each woman, then one all together. I imagine one with one of Fanny's letters and a quill in ink next to it on one side, and a tub of Cool Whip with a spoon in it on the other. The letter could say something along the lines of "Dear Grover, I'm getting married again. I met a charming man in 1955. I wonder if you'd enjoy that age. The date of our wedding is (Insert date for play showings here in large print), Love Fanny" or something of that nature.

Alex's would be the rickety bridge with mountains in the background, then at the end of the bridge is the George Troll sitting on his motorcycle holding a 1950s style microphone out to her.

Mary's would be her walking away into a red sunset down a paved road wearing pants with her skirt lying in the road behind her, with her travelers pack and explorer's hat on her head.

The one with all three of them would be the three of them sitting around a fire, still in their 1889 clothes, with an umbrella leaning against one log chair, and an eggbeater against another, with a tent behind them and packs leaning against it. Yes, it seems typical, but from the other posters I saw, much of them are only silhouettes of the three ladies with a map in the background, holding the umbrellas and eggbeaters. This is slightly different enough to not be typical.


  1. I really like your tagline. I think that it definitely sums up the three womans' journey well. However, I'm not so sure that Mary does find a native place. I think she is more likely to travel forever, never really finding a place to rest. Perhaps her native place simply is the future, and it will always be the future, no matter what that entails.

  2. I think your poster ideas are incredibly cool and really capture the essence of each individual female without giving away too much of the story. They would definitely entice me to come and see the show. I especially love your idea for Mary's poster because it really shows how she grows over the course of the play to become more open and accepting of what the future has to offer her. Your idea for Alex's poster is just fun, and fanny's poster design creatively incorporates the information about the dates of the play. Well done.

  3. LOVE THE TAGLINE. How true. Even though these characters are looking forward and finding themselves in new places, their pasts make them who they are. Kudos buddy!

  4. Your tagline is pretty ballin. I would have never thought of that, but I really like how you explained it because this totally makes sense. Every character they meet is from somewhere else and it's kind of like they all decided to throw a party and come together in this jungle. Very cool!
