Thursday, May 2, 2013

Three Viewings Response

This play was definitely interesting to me. Trying to figure out how each of the three monologues related to each other without speaking the names of the people who were saying them was cool for me.

One of the people that I noticed was involved in each of the monologues, though not in a major way, was Margaret-Mary Walsh. By the funerals she attended, I'm making the assumption that she is an older woman who's much involved with the community that all these funerals are held in. And yes, I do think they're all in the same community one hour outside of Pittsburgh as Mac says, since many of the same people are mentioned. The people mentioned don't seem to be the kind that would travel very far from home to go to a funeral or such.

Another thing that seems apparent in each of the monologues is that every character has lost their significant other. Though Emil was never married to Tessie, he still loved her. Mac lost her husband and children in an attempt to kill herself. Virginia lost her husband to heart disease. Only the funeral in Mac's monologue had nothing to do with losing her loved one, and Emil's only involved Tessie's funeral near the end.

Something else similar in the monologues is that each of the characters meet someone for a meal in a restaurant. However, it's never the same one. It's like receiving any sort of news is easier when you're chowing down on a burger. I feel like that's involved because it's familiar for every person. Everyone goes out to get a bite to eat occasionally, and it's a moment of comfort in a play that's centered around death and funerals.


  1. I thought the last comment was interesting because I didn't even notice or make relevance of the food concept. I do not really know if that was important in the script or just hey, everyone has to eat you know? Maybe it is in there for reasons that you say but gives me something to kind of go back and look on.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
